Compacted fertilizers - Genezis NPK-10:20:10
Safety data sheet

Appearance: solid, grey or lightly reddish granulated product
Physical quality: smooth, does not powder away 95-98 % with 2-5 mm granules Moisture-content: max. 1,5 %
Effective substance content:
Whole nitrogen content: 10,0% N (ammonia nitrogen 5,4 % N (karbamid nitrogen 4,6 % N)
Phosphor, which melts in ammoniumcitrat: 20,0% P2O5 (phosphor, which melts in water 19,0% P2O5)
Water-soluble potassium: 10,0% K2O
Sulphur: 17,5% SO3 (számított mennyiség)
Calcium: 8,0% CaO
Magnesium: 5,0%MgO
The permitted deviation of the effective substance is according to the 8/2001(I.26.), 50/2003. (V.9.). FVM order.
Packing: in 50 kgs polythene bags, in unit shipment on pallets, or without it in bulk, or in Big-Bags
Tenability: in original packing, in one pallet height on dry, covered place 2 years long. In case of storing outside it must be protected from sun shining and precipitation
Applications: It is suggested for all kind of field- and gardening cultures, especially as autumnal base-fertiliser. Its effective substances melt in water very good that's why it is excellently useful among sufficient rain circumstances in spring, too.
With use of its types with microelements deficiency diseases can be avoided. Bor (B), copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn) content.
Producer: Bige Holding Kft. 5007 Szolnok, Tószegi út 51. Tel/Fax: 36/56/505-870